I was lost before meeting Jade, I spent years just existing (just going through the motions) and not feeling fully alive. I didn’t want to see a doctor because they would only prescribe medication and not get to the root of my issues. I have a counseling degree, so I had already tried several types of counseling practices. I just wanted to feel alive and healthy. I felt my weight was causing multiple health issues. We started out talking about healthy lifestyles relating to my eating habits in conjunction with journeying. I was amazed what I learned about myself with every journey, things I did not even know about myself and how they were affecting my life. I started to journal my thoughts, dreams, and started creative writing again (something I had given up as a teenager). I also took time to care about me through meditation and self-love. I know that sounds corny, but words cannot describe the change. It’s unlike anything I have ever felt in my life. I started noticing the progress from the writing, self-care, and journeying. The universe had shifted, I was presented with numerous opportunities and making progress towards my health goals. I finally feel alive, have energy to do things, and I am losing weight. Jadeis a powerful presence in my life, she helps me continue to see the light and guide me towards my path of full enlightenment. Word cannot express how grateful I am for Jade and all she has guided me through.


Tammy K.

 I met this beautiful soul and shaman at the first Persephone Unleashed retreat I attended last August and knew right away that I wanted to work with her more. I had worked with a therapist for the trauma and grief I experienced after losing Addie.... and let her go after getting to work with Jade more and realizing my time with her was proving to be way more beneficial.
She understood the spiritual world more and how connected we all are..... which has brought me so much peace getting to feel connected to all of my loved ones that have passed. I decided to start meeting with her weekly and it’s been the best investment I have made.

I wish I had found her earlier in my life......
she has helped me work through so much that was no longer serving me like old beliefs, not so fun patterns, and being overly critical of myself for example. I was ready to let it all go.... and let me just say, this work is never easy, but so so worth it if you are ready and willing!
I didn’t think I would ever make it to the other side, but Jade was always reminding me to be patient..... and here we are!

If you are interested in more information about working with Jade for some healing and support in your life, Do yourself a favor and check her out! She meets with clients all over the world and I am beyond grateful to call her my friend now. She is an absolute GEM! ✨

Aileen S.


I have known Jade from years ago when we used to work together but I just recently reached out to get her input when I noticed she made a comment regarding a “past life regression” session subject one day. I had recently attended a past life session and wanted to get her input on this subject.

I then found out that Jade offered “past life regression” sessions as well as spiritual counseling sessions for childhood issues that I was experiencing at the time. Jade is such a wonderful person with a caring and genuine spirit I am so glad I reached out for her help that day.

 Jade has really helped me to grow and learn since I have started using her services, I honestly am not sure where I would be without her. Jen has helped me to spiritually grow in ways I never deemed possible and I am eternally grateful for the sessions we have together. She has really helped me to find the path I should be following, the path that brings pure meaning to my life.

 Jade, thank you for showing me just how beautiful and special my life can really be. We were definitely meant to connect again on a much deeper level. You are nothing short of an amazing spirit!

~ P. Carnes


My time working with Jade Chen has been the most productive and healing experience I have ever undertaken. Her insight, power, grace and wisdom are rare enough, but adding in her ability to intuit the needs, challenges and potential in others makes her a truly skilled and masterful Shaman. She pushed me in ways I did not expect and helped me to grow in significant and very important directions. I am a better person every day as a result of working with her; while doing the work is challenging, I can literally draw a line between the level of happiness in my life before I started working with her, and again after. I give her my highest possible recommendation. 

~William Phillips



When I first began working with Jade, I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what is was that I wanted to work on during our sessions. I only knew that I needed something more than traditional therapy. Yoga, meditation and hiking were my favorite forms of finding inner peace, but something was still missing. We decided that we would discover together what form of support provided the most purpose to my personal journey, and I left feeling full of positive energy!

 Our early sessions included an oracle card reading, energy clearing and one-on-one talks on the beach, at the lake, or while relaxing in a hammock. As we progressed, I could never have imagined that my spiritual guides and inner child connections would become so important to what was lying ahead.

Two months into our work together, my father passed away unexpectedly. I cannot tell you how painful this was for my family. Jade came to the hospital when he was suffering and helped not only my father, but my entire family, convey an important message to each other before he left. Without her spiritual guidance and support, I don’t know that we could have experienced such a beautiful and fulfilling goodbye. I am forever grateful.

Jade has helped me connect spiritually to my powerful guides, lost loved ones, and most importantly my biggest project, myself. We even tackled my past drug addiction on occasion, that is never entirely cured. She gives me homework and tools for challenges I face. She follows up and holds me accountable for my actions. I cannot express how much her support and guidance has helped me, and in a way that you cannot receive from a doctor visit or counseling appointment dictated by your insurance carrier. If you are looking for a form of guidance that allows you to expand personal growth, clarity, and stability…you should connect with Jade. Like me, you may not know exactly what it is you want to work on, but investing the time in yourself is the first step.

 ~Kelly Gonzalez


“No Mud, No Lotus.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

It has always been very hard for me to open up about my internal struggles and to let people see the emotions that I deemed negative. Anger, fear, and sorrow are all apart of the healing process. Sometimes you need to look and embrace these emotions, and the situations that they stem from before you can grow and move on from them. In a way I was letting these emotions consume me and I was not allowing myself to be who I wanted to be. My past traumas were affecting my overall life and well being in ways that I wasn’t even fully aware of anymore. I had a lack of self confidence and a lack of clear direction.

Jade has helped me remember who I truly am, to love myself unconditionally, and to help spread that love to others. She is a very generous giver and healer. She does not treat her clients as the same whole, but treats them based on their individuality. I have never felt more safe, welcoming and healing environment like the one Jen has shared with me. She works with you to find your own healing path in the ways that best serve you. She is gentle and loving, but also firm and strong. The building blocks she gives you will stay with you forever allowing you to continue the good work and see the lotus through the mud.

B. Loy

 Working with Jade has been absolutely phenomenal for me. She is extremely calm, supportive, kind, patient and intuitive. Having someone committed to helping you on you journey who displays grace and love is so empowering. I know I can trust her and that she will find ways to be honest and enlighten me. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for support along any sort of spiritual path.

Dre Nicole Amundson.

Over the last few years, I had come to a point in my life where I began really seeking a more peaceful way to live. I was living with constant worry, mom guilt, questioning old beliefs and thought patterns, and wondering what my purpose in life really was.

I came across Jade through a mutual acquaintance who had posted on social media about their experience working with her, and how much she had helped them. I visited Jade’s website, read her bio, and just knew and felt that this was the person I was meant to work with.

During every session  working with Jade, you feel nothing but the loving, judgement free, safe space she provides you. She is like a warm, gentle hug.  Jade is able to take you on a journey to nurture the child within you, changing the narratives that we create when we are young, healing those wounds that have been holding us back, whether we knew it or not.

My experience working with Jade has helped me to build a tool chest of sorts. I now have  different tools and techniques, that I have within me, to help me in moments of anxiety, sadness, or to just honor the joy in my life that I didn’t think I deserved.

She has helped me to grow spiritually, which has allowed me to recognize my own gifts, that I had been doubting. In my time working with Jade, growing and healing, I have to say I am a different person, a happier, lighter, more joyful person.

I often say, I wish I had found Jade earlier in my life, but through Jade, I have learned that I am right on time.

Be open to unlimited possibilities, say yes to yourself. Make that connection  with Jade, you won’t regret it.

Julie B.